
tl;dr: sponsor my diversity work via gittip or tell me what I could do for your company

Thanks to the attention my diversity work has received, I'm seeking a way to make it scalable and sustainable so I can devote more time toward these initiatives. But I need your help!

As many of you know, I've been working on a number of projects over the past year to improve diversity in the tech community. A handful of examples:

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The Ruby Rogues Show logoLast week I got the chance to sit down with the Ruby Rogues to discuss diversity in the ruby community. We covered why diversity is important, how we can increase the amount of diversity, dealing with our own subconscious biases, how to be an ally, and a lot more.

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Welcome to the internet, my pretties. You're probably reading this because some shit just went down. Whoa, totally makes you lose your faith in humanity right? Declare the equivalent of moving to Canada via rage quit? I'm with ya. 

So, take a deep breath and let the rage subside a little. What can we do so this incident repeats itself with less frequency?

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Support Diversity in Tech

95% of funding for my over 1500hrs community work per year - including this and other free online resources, AlterConf, and Fund Club - comes from donations.

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