
Quite regularly I'm asked about books that would be good to read to learn more about topics I discuss regularly, including intersectionality, feminism, womanism, and social justice. Thanks to the help of twitter and my ever-growing GoodReads list, here is a list for you. Many of the books can easily fit into more than one category, so may appear under multiple headings.

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We deserve better than this

Sexism and misogyny isn't something that happens to "other people". I don't know one woman whose life hasn't been affected by it; I don't know a single woman who hasn't changed their behavior or the situations they put themselves in because of it. I don't know anyone that hasn't been friends, partners, or family members with a woman that hasn't worried for her or seen the way her life gets turned upside down by the way society treats her. These aren't "women's issues", they are societal issues.

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95% of funding for my over 1500hrs community work per year - including this and other free online resources, AlterConf, and Fund Club - comes from donations.

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