
Welcome to the internet, my pretties. You're probably reading this because some shit just went down. Whoa, totally makes you lose your faith in humanity right? Declare the equivalent of moving to Canada via rage quit? I'm with ya. 

So, take a deep breath and let the rage subside a little. What can we do so this incident repeats itself with less frequency?

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We deserve better than this

Sexism and misogyny isn't something that happens to "other people". I don't know one woman whose life hasn't been affected by it; I don't know a single woman who hasn't changed their behavior or the situations they put themselves in because of it. I don't know anyone that hasn't been friends, partners, or family members with a woman that hasn't worried for her or seen the way her life gets turned upside down by the way society treats her. These aren't "women's issues", they are societal issues.

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