Three years ago I was unhappy, stressed, and completely burnt out. I was working 18 hour days between my day job and contracting work. When I did have time for sleep, I had to combat insomnia. My personal relationships suffered and I was exhausted by life. So I made a decision I thought I’d never make: I quit my job to work for myself. What followed became an amazing and educational journey. I learned how to use fear of the unknown instead of being paralyzed by it. I made myself vulnerable which taught me how to ask for help. I realized what freedom meant. Most importantly I had an epiphany about what work should be.
Excited to watch @ashedryden give her talk on "Zen and the Art of Quitting Your Job"! @secondconf
— Julia Elman (@juliaelman) September 28, 2013
“Cool! You guys are all *so good* at high-fives!” —@ashedryden /at #SecondConf
So pumped to finally have the opportunity to hear @ashedryden talk! @secondconf
— Glynnis Ritchie (@glynnisritchie) September 28, 2013
Why you’re thinking about quitting // @ashedryden @secondconf pic.twitter.com/Li2eoXc7YQ
— Saul Mora (@casademora) September 28, 2013
I'm so glad the windows don't open here, uplifting talk by @ashedryden at #secondconf
— Hans verschooten (@hansv) September 28, 2013
"Money doesn't buy happiness but it does buy groceries" @ashedryden #secondconf
— Mod Mobile (Joe R.) (@ModMobile) September 28, 2013
“You’ve saved up money,” [you’ve saved up toothpaste,] “and now you’re ready to quit.” — paraphrasing @ashedryden /at #SecondConf
“Help some [tiny] humans.” —(still.) paraphrasing @ashedryden /at #SecondConf
"Sometimes that jerk at work is you" - @ashedryden #secondconf
— Mod Mobile (Joe R.) (@ModMobile) September 28, 2013
@ashedryden is foreshadowing my talk at @secondconf. I hope I keep the bar high…
— Saul Mora (@casademora) September 28, 2013
It’s like @ashedryden is reading my mind - talking about mentoring at @secondconf #2c
— Aijaz Ansari (@_aijaz_) September 28, 2013
"Be proud of your work…work where someone else is proud of your work" ~ @ashedryden at #SecondConf 1/2 of that is done. Getting there…
— Dave Skuza (@_dskuza) September 28, 2013
“Do they *force* you to use tools that would prevent your happiness?” —@ashedryden re: looking for jobs /at #SecondConf
“Help other humans” @ashedryden had me tearing up there for a moment. #2c
— Chris Patterson (@chrispatterson) September 28, 2013
@ashedryden is smashing my stack with all the questions in her @secondconf talk! #whew #imaslowthinker
— Tim Burks (@timburks) September 28, 2013
If your slide ends in a smiley-face, I like you more. <3 @ashedryden
"We are so privileged: we are the one industry that complains about people emailing us because they want to hire us." @ashedryden
— Brock Boland (@Brock) September 28, 2013
OH: "We are a privileged industry. We complain about how often we get email from people desperate to hire us." @secondconf @ashedryden
— Glynnis Ritchie (@glynnisritchie) September 28, 2013
Wonderful perspective from @ashedryden's talk this morning @secondconf. Next up, human interface guidelines for iOS by @mb!
— Julia Elman (@juliaelman) September 28, 2013
@ashedryden The book that I referenced is Antifragile: things that gain from disorder by Nassim Taleb
— PJ Caraher (@pjcaraher) September 28, 2013
@ashedryden Hey, your talk at @secondconf really inspired me. Today was the day I’ve quit my job and I’m feeling amazingly light. Thank you!
— Bruno Koga (@brunokoga) November 11, 2013