
I really prefer not to write personal or current events-type things on my site, but I'm not sure what else to do with this.

Trigger/content warnings for harassment, stalking, and threats of violence.

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Undervaluing, Underpaying, Underrecognizing 

Non-white and women leaders who engage in diversity-increasing behaviors in the highest organizational ranks are systematically penalized with lower performance ratings for doing so.

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Less Than or Equal logoI was invited to speak with Aleen Simms about AlterConf, diversity in tech, marginalization, and classism. I enjoyed recording this more than I have any other podcast in the past year, so please give it a listen!

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AlterConf logoOver the past year I've been invited to speak at two events1 that really resonated with me. In these spaces we could move beyond diversity 101 topics and start to dig into the root of the issues marginalized people face in tech. We could critically analyze the culture around us in a space made for us.

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Scientific American logoIt’s important to understand the temptations that the cheaters felt — the circumstances that made their unethical behaviors seem expedient, or rational, or necessary. Casting cheaters as monsters is glossing over our own human vulnerability to these bad choices, which will surely make the temptations harder to handle when we encounter them.

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A German translation of this post is available on

This post covers two similar questions.

I've recently found myself the target of an internet harassment campaign. Do you have any tips for dealing with this?

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I'd like to create a list of potential speakers for conference organizers. It seems useful, but fraught with problems. What do you think?

I've seen quite a few people create similar lists that are focused at conference organizers in their communities, so you're not alone here.

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I'm often asked if I believe that things in tech are getting better. Are the efforts to raise awareness, educate, and counteract the effects of rampant sexism, racism, cissexism, homophobia, and ableism, among others, making an impact?

Changes happen at a level hard for us to perceive, something I discussed in a recent talk I gave at Monitorama. That being said, I've been watching a few areas in which to gauge progress.

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Ashe Dryden - Code for America Pride Portrait

Wendy Fong over at Code for America did a portrait of me for Pride 2014. I'm super honored <3

From the creators:

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The New York Times logoAshe Dryden, a programmer and an advocate for workplace diversity, said that complaints like the one lobbied against Tinder are all too common in the technology industry and are indicative of a deeper, troubled culture.

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