Contact Ashe about speaking at your conference, company, or organization. See the speaker information page for current bio, headshots, and other relevant information.
La Conf - Everything you ever wanted to know about diversity, but were too afraid to ask
Paris, France
05/22/2014 to 05/23/2014 -
Craft Conf - Open Source isn't for everyone (but it could be)
Budapest, Hungary
04/24/2014 to 04/25/2014 -
RubyConf Philippines - Open Source Isn't For Everyone, But It Could Be
Manila, Philippines
03/28/2014 to 03/29/2014 -
Linux Conf Australia - Programming Diversity
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
01/06/2014 to 01/10/2014 -
SF Ruby/Women Who Code/PyLadies - The Diverse Team & Programming Diversity
San Francisco, CA
06/06/2013 -
Drupalcon Portland - Panel: Making Drupal Meetups and Events Rock
Portland, OR, USA
05/20/2013 to 05/24/2013 -